On 03, Jan 2017 | In Resources | By Brandon Adams
Check out the new Spanish website FEDERALISMO 1689 ESPAÑOL, also on Facebook.

Nuestro Federalismo
On 12, Dec 2016 | In Video | By Brandon Adams
From Federalismo 1689 espanol on Facebook:
#Estudiosbíblicos | our federalism (1689) #Youtube
Series of classes on the theology of the covenant Baptist, called federalism. An explanation for the development of the divine covenants through the entire bible. A total of 13 lessons.
Lesson 1: Introduction.
Lesson 2: what is a covenant?
Lesson 3: our hermeneutics.
Lesson 4: the covenant of redemption.
Lesson 5: the covenant of works (Part 1).
Lesson 6: the covenant of works (Part 2).
Lesson 7: the covenant of grace.
Lesson 8: the covenant adánico and noéico.
Lesson 9: the covenant Abraham (Part 1).
Lesson 10: the covenant Abraham (Part 2).
Lesson 11: the covenants and davídico mosaic.
Lesson 12: the new covenant.
Lesson 13: applications of our federal theology.
– explained by Pastor Eduardo Flores.
Link Youtube playlist:
#Federalismo1689 #class #videoclases #teologíadelpacto #pactosdivinos

Dichotomous Nature of the Abrahamic Covenant, An Orthodox Catechism questions 72-73 Spanish & Portuguese Translation
On 13, Apr 2016 | In Resources | By Brandon Adams
Andrew Felts has translated questions 72-73 from An Orthodox Catechism into Spanish on his blog to give a brief overview of 1689 federalism, specifically the dichotomous nature of the Abrahamic covenant.
He has added a Portuguese translation as well:

¿Por Qué Soy Bautista Reformado? (Video)
Pastor Eduardo Flores of Iglesia Bautista Reformado in Costa Rica has a series called “Why Am I A Reformed Baptist?” in Spanish. The 12th sermon in the series explains 1689 Federalism in contrast to Westminster Federalism and Dispensationalism. I am told that in previous lectures there is “a good section on history of the reformed baptists covering Benjamin Keach, Knollys, Nehemiah Coxe, and Hercules Collins, and a good section on Confessionalism. Pastor Eduardo Flores demonstrates familiarity with primary English sources by citing baptist scholars such as Jim Renihan.”
H/T 1689reformedbaptist:
Un bueno serie de predicaciones explicado las creencias distinctivos de bautistas reformadas como el confesionalismo y el federalismo. Las predicaciones son por Pastor Eduardo Flores de la Iglesia Bautista Reformado en Costa Rica:
La predicación acerca del federalismo Bautista reformada (número doce) toma el punto de vista del federalismo 1689 en vez del federalismo presbiteriano de uno pacto de gracia por medio de varios administraciones y también compare el federalismo 1689 con el dispensacionalismo y el federalismo presbiteriano: