“DOLPHINS IN THE WOODS” A Critique of Mark Jones and Ted Van Raalte’s Presentation of Particular Baptist Covenant Theology (JIRBS 2015)
On 08, May 2024 | In Samuel Renihan | By Brandon Adams
Samuel Renihan’s JIRBS 2015 essay “DOLPHINS IN THE WOODS” A Critique of Mark Jones and Ted Van Raalte’s Presentation of Particular Baptist Covenant Theology is now available to read in PDF, or below.
No one ever loses a debate. Both sides walk away in victory because they stated their cases correctly. The opponent, of course, completely misunderstood and simply didn’t get it. Even the audience agrees. “Our side won.” Sadly, most debates are like this, and debates between paedobaptists and Baptists throughout the years have been no exception to the trend. For many centuries the baptismal debate has divided, disappointingly but necessarily, brothers who otherwise share a great deal in common.
In Joel Beeke and Mark Jones’ massive and delightful A Puritan Theology they have dedicated a chapter to describing this debate as it took place in the late seventeenth century.[1] Their chapter sets out to do two main things: first, to vindicate John Owen’s covenant theology from Baptist appropriation, and second, to demonstrate how John Flavel bested Philip Cary in their printed debate on the subject of covenant theology. This present article will evaluate the portrayal of the Particular Baptists as it is found in that chapter, clarifying how and why the Particular Baptists appropriated John Owen’s covenant theology and demonstrating that while the Cary/Flavel debate is useful for illustration, Cary’s views must be placed within the context of Particular Baptist federalism as a whole—particularly regarding the conditionality of the covenant of grace and the purpose and design of the Mosaic covenant. This evaluation is not intended to revive the debate itself, but rather to present a fairer and more complete portrait of Particular Baptist federalism and their arguments against paedobaptism.
* Samuel Renihan, M.Div., is a pastor at Trinity Reformed Baptist Church in La Mirada, CA and a Ph.D. student at the Free University of Amsterdam.
[1] The acknowledgments in the introduction state that Ted Van Raalte co-wrote this chapter with Mark Jones. Joel R. Beeke and Mark Jones, A Puritan Theology: Doctrine for Life (Grand Rapids, MI: Reformation Heritage Books, 2012), xiv. The chapter referenced is chapter 45 on pages 725-41. Read more…

Promise, Law, Faith – A Review Article (JIRBS 20)
On 04, Jun 2021 | In Resources | By Brandon Adams
The 2020 edition of the Journal of the Institute of Reformed Baptist Studies has just been published. It includes a lengthy (46 page) review of T. David Gordon’s “Promise, Law, Faith: Covenant-Historical Reasoning in Galatians” by Brandon Adams. He argues for a 1689 Federalist interpretation of Galatians, noting where Gordon’s interpretation complements it and where Gordon’s view could be sharpened by it.
The issue also includes a brief review of Richard P. Belcher Jr.’s new book on covenant theology by Samuel Renihan.
The Reformed Baptist Academic Press website is undergoing construction so the journal is not available through the site currently. Instead, you have three options:
- Email rb@rbap.net to order with name, address, phone number, quantity. $10 plus s/h. Paid via Paypal.
- Amazon
- Galaxie (PDF)