abrahamic covenant
SCRBPC 2021 “Of God’s Covenant”
On 07, Nov 2021 | In Audio, Resources, Richard Barcellos, Samuel Renihan | By Brandon Adams
The 2021 Southern California Reformed Baptist Pastors’ Conference concluded last week. Each year the conference focuses on a chapter of the 2nd London Baptist Confession of Faith. This year focused on Chapter 7 “Of God’s Covenant.” Samuel Renihan gave 6 lectures and Richard Barcellos gave one. The audio is now available on Sermon Audio. PDF handouts of the sessions are available on Sermon Audio as well. (There was a problem with the first session’s audio recording and it is not available).

Promise, Law, Faith – A Review Article (JIRBS 20)
On 04, Jun 2021 | In Resources | By Brandon Adams
The 2020 edition of the Journal of the Institute of Reformed Baptist Studies has just been published. It includes a lengthy (46 page) review of T. David Gordon’s “Promise, Law, Faith: Covenant-Historical Reasoning in Galatians” by Brandon Adams. He argues for a 1689 Federalist interpretation of Galatians, noting where Gordon’s interpretation complements it and where Gordon’s view could be sharpened by it.
The issue also includes a brief review of Richard P. Belcher Jr.’s new book on covenant theology by Samuel Renihan.
The Reformed Baptist Academic Press website is undergoing construction so the journal is not available through the site currently. Instead, you have three options:
- Email rb@rbap.net to order with name, address, phone number, quantity. $10 plus s/h. Paid via Paypal.
- Amazon
- Galaxie (PDF)

Covenant of Circumcision is Not the Covenant of Grace
On 22, Nov 2014 | In Resources | By Brandon Adams
Sermon: The Primacy of the Abrahamic Covenant
On 24, Jun 2013 | In Audio, Jeffery Johnson, Resources | By Brandon Adams
The Primacy of the Abrahamic Covenant
Pastor Jeff Johnson, author of The Fatal Flaw Behind The Theology of Infant Baptism, shows us how the Abrahamic Covenant unifies the Old Testament and the New Testament; the Old Covenant and the New Covenant, the demands of the law and the glory of grace.