Additional Resources
Ch. 7 Of God’s Covenant – 2021 Southern California Reformed Baptist Pastors’ Conference
On 26, Jul 2021 | In Uncategorized | By Brandon Adams
The Southern California Reformed Baptist Pastors’ Conference meets annually to work through one chapter of the 2nd London Baptist Confession each year. This year (Nov 1-2) will be focused on chapter 7: Of God’s Covenant and will feature lectures from Samuel Renihan and Richard Barcellos. More information and registration can be found at

Promise, Law, Faith – A Review Article (JIRBS 20)
On 04, Jun 2021 | In Resources | By Brandon Adams
The 2020 edition of the Journal of the Institute of Reformed Baptist Studies has just been published. It includes a lengthy (46 page) review of T. David Gordon’s “Promise, Law, Faith: Covenant-Historical Reasoning in Galatians” by Brandon Adams. He argues for a 1689 Federalist interpretation of Galatians, noting where Gordon’s interpretation complements it and where Gordon’s view could be sharpened by it.
The issue also includes a brief review of Richard P. Belcher Jr.’s new book on covenant theology by Samuel Renihan.
The Reformed Baptist Academic Press website is undergoing construction so the journal is not available through the site currently. Instead, you have three options:
- Email to order with name, address, phone number, quantity. $10 plus s/h. Paid via Paypal.
- Amazon
- Galaxie (PDF)

Podcast: Theocast Intro to Covenant Theology
The Theocast podcast has put together a helpful 5-part introduction to covenant theology from a 1689 Federalism perspective. This truly is an introduction to covenant theology for those who are not familiar with it (i.e. not just an introduction to baptist distinctives).
Introduction to Covenant Theology (website)
Introduction to Covenant Theology (YouTube)
[Editor’s note: I have only listened to these 5 episodes and am otherwise unfamiliar with the podcast]

Lectures: Sam Renihan @ Doctrine & Devotion 2020 Conference
On 23, Oct 2020 | In Audio, Resources, Samuel Renihan | By Brandon Adams
Sam Renihan taught on 1689 Federalism at the 2020 Doctrine & Devotion Conference: Covenant Theology: God’s Promises for God’s People. He had 4 lectures
- Abrahamic Covenant
- Mosaic Covenant
- Davidic Covenant
- New Covenant

Podcast: Sam Renihan @ Distilling Theology
On 23, Oct 2020 | In Audio, Resources, Samuel Renihan | By Brandon Adams
Episode 39: Concerning Hobbits // A Discussion on 1689 Baptist Covenant Theology w/ Samuel Renihan
We’re thrilled to be joined this week by Dr. Samuel Renihan, author of “God without Passions,” “The Mystery of Christ, His Covenant, and His Kingdom,” and “From Shadow to Substance: The Federal Theology of the English Particular Baptists.”
Eric is back with us and he tries to become best friends with Sam, Justin revels in roasting Blake for his minority Covenant Theology position (this week), and there’s enough dad jokes to last the trip to Mordor and back. The guys sip Johnnie Walker Double Black Label, a blended scotch whisky favored by our esteemed guest, and deep dive into some of the distinctives of Baptist Covenant Theology.
We’re giving away a copy of Dr. Samuel Renihan’s book “The Mystery of Christ” and a DT Glencairn – Enter to win by visiting between now and Friday, 9/25.
The entire 2.5 hour EXTENDED EDITION of this episode is available in full exclusively at Check out more extended episodes, watch us live stream our episodes before they are released, and get access to exclusive bonus content on Patreon, starting at just $4.99 per month:
We’ve introduced a new $14.99 per month level with some extra perks, including a Patreon-exclusive coffee mug after your first 3 months as a thank you for your support.

Podcast: Sam Renihan @ The New Geneva Podcast
On 23, Oct 2020 | In Audio, Resources, Samuel Renihan | By Brandon Adams
- Comparing 1689 Baptist and Presbyterian & Reformed Covenant Theology…and how it relates to Baptism with Michael G. Brown & Samuel Renihan (Part 1)
- Comparing 1689 Baptist and Presbyterian & Reformed Covenant Theology…and how it relates to Baptism with Michael G. Brown & Samuel Renihan (Part 2)

Podcast: Sam Renihan @ Theology Driven
On 23, Oct 2020 | In Audio, Resources, Samuel Renihan | By Brandon Adams
Listen in as Sam Renihan explains the importance of Baptist Covenant Theology!

Podcast: Sam Renihan @ The Sword & the Trowel
On 23, Oct 2020 | In Audio, Resources, Samuel Renihan | By Brandon Adams
TS&TT: Sam Renihan | Mystery of Christ & Covenant Theology
Today on The Sword & The Trowel, Tom Ascol and Jared Longshore welcome Dr. Samuel Renihan on the show to discuss the release of the newest Founders Press title The Mystery of Christ, His Covenant and His Kingdom. They talk about how the book came to be, why it was written and why it is an important resource for Christians today.

Podcast: Sam Renihan @ London Lyceum
On 23, Oct 2020 | In Audio, Resources, Samuel Renihan | By Brandon Adams
Episode 42: Baptist Covenant Theology with Sam Renihan
Jordan and Brandon discuss covenant theology and Baptist covenant theology with expert pastor-scholar Sam Renihan. What is a covenant? Wha tis covenant theology? How much unity or diversity is there in Reformed covenant theology? Why should every church member care about covenant theology?

Podcast: Sam Renihan @ Theology in Particular
On 23, Oct 2020 | In Audio, Resources, Samuel Renihan | By Brandon Adams
An interview with Dr. Sam Renihan on his new book, The Mystery of Christ: His Covenant and His Kingdom Episode 12 of Theology in Particular