Pascal Denault
Semper Reformanda 2023: Covenant and Kingdom
On 24, Oct 2023 | In Audio, James Renihan, Pascal Denault, Resources, Samuel Renihan, Video | By Brandon Adams
Grace Family Baptist Church in Houston, TX recently held their annual Semper Reformanda conference. This year was on Covenant and Kingdom: A Study in Reformed Baptist Covenant Theology featuring James Renihan, Sam Renihan, and Pascal Denault.
The recordings are now available online (both audio and video):

1) The Great DivideDr. James M. Renihan 100+ Conference

2) The Mystery of ChristDr. Samuel Renihan 100+ Conference

3) Distinctives Between Particular Baptist and Paedobaptist FederalismPascal Denault 100+ Conference

4) Baptist Covenant Theology vs. DispensationalismPascal Denault 100+ Conference

5) Kingdom of Creation: Covenant of Works and Noahic CovenantDr. Samuel Renihan Conference

7) Kingdom of Israel: Abrahamic, Mosaic, and Davidic CovenantsDr. Samuel Renihan Conference

8) Kingdom of Christ: Covenants of Redemption and Grace, and Eschatalogical Nature Dr. Samuel Renihan Conference

Founders Journal “Of Covenants and Mediators”
On 30, May 2017 | In Jeffery Johnson, Pascal Denault, Resources | By Brandon Adams
The Spring 2017 issue of the Founders Journal is titled “Of Covenants and Mediators.”
Download: PDF
What’s new in the revised edition of the Distinctiveness of Baptist Covenant Theology?
On 10, Feb 2017 | In Pascal Denault | By Brandon Adams
Pascal Denault has published a revised edition of The Distinctiveness of Baptist Covenant Theology. He lists the important revisions here: What’s new in the revised edition of the Distinctiveness of Baptist Covenant Theology?
2015 Founders Conference w/ Commentary
On 30, Sep 2015 | In Audio, Jeffery Johnson, Pascal Denault, Resources | By Brandon Adams
The Distinctives of Baptist Covenant Theology
SEPTEMBER 24-25, 2015
2015 Founders Conference on
This conference was a great encouragement to 2 years ago very few people were aware of this view and now people are gathering together at a conference to learn more about it. Lord willing, this trend will continue.
Due to some of the material presented in the lectures, some comments will be offered. Read more…
Pascal Denault Covenant Theology (1689 Conference)
On 28, Nov 2014 | In Audio, Pascal Denault, Resources | By Brandon Adams
Pascal Denault recently taught on the covenant theology of the 1689 London Baptist Confession at the first annual 1689 Conference.
Here is the MP3
Here are other formats.
Here are the rest of the sessions from the conference.
Pascal Denault on the Covenant Theology of the 1689 Baptist Confession (RB Seminary)
On 15, Nov 2014 | In Audio, Pascal Denault, Resources, Video | By Brandon Adams
From Reformed Baptist Seminary:
Pascal Denault is an ordained minister of a Reformed Baptist church in Quebec and is the author of The Distinctiveness of Baptist Covenant Theology. In four video lectures below, Pascal discusses the covenant theology of the Second London Baptist Confession of 1689. First, he examines the “covenant of works” as it is formulated in the Westminster Confession, Savoy Declaration, and Second London Baptist Confession in lecture one. Next, in lecture two, he summarizes the “covenant of grace” as it has been traditionally formulated among Reformed and Paedobaptist theologians. In the third lecture, Pascal highlights the unique contribution offered by the Particular Baptists in the 2LBCF to a theology of the covenant of grace. Then he summarizes his study on the covenant theology of the 2LBCF and highlights the practical ramifications in lecture four. Finally, a Q&A session featuring Bob Gonzales and Pascal Denault deals with questions related to confessions of faith and covenant theology. Enjoy!
The Covenant Theology of the 2LBCF, Part 1
The Covenant Theology of the 2LBCF, Part 1 – Pascal Denault from Reformed Baptist Seminaryon Vimeo.
The Covenant Theology of the 2LBCF, Part 2
The Covenant Theology of the 2LBCF, Part 2 – Pascal Denault from Reformed Baptist Seminaryon Vimeo.
The Covenant Theology of the 2LBCF, Part 3
Try here
The Covenant Theology of the 2LBCF, Part 4
Try here
Q&A – Gonzales and Denault on Confessions and Covenant Theology
Question & Answer Session: Confessions of Faith and Covenant Theology from Reformed Baptist Seminary on Vimeo.
From Pascal Denault’s website:
1689 Federalism is the Particular Baptist understanding of the Covenant of Grace as stated in the Second London Confession of Faith of 1689. This particular view is distinct from the Westminster view that holds to the concept of one Covenant of Grace under two distinct administrations which are the Old and the New Covenants. From this view, the Westminster Confession allows the Old Covenant to define the Covenant of Grace (its nature, its stipulations, its blessings) and end up with a Covenant of Grace that is mixed by nature because it includes the physical posterity of all those who profess faith. This understanding was perceived by the Particular Baptists to alter the nature of the New Covenant which is « not like » the Old Covenant (Jer. 31:32) and is pure by nature (Jer. 31:34).
The 1689 Confession rejects the One Covenant/Two administrations view of the Westminster. Instead, it affirms that the Covenant of Grace was only revealed in the Old Testament time until it became a formal covenant when the New Covenant was established. Therefore, the Particular Baptist understanding considers that only the New Covenant is the Covenant of Grace and defines it. This involves that the Old Covenant was not the Covenant of Grace and was only typologically linked to it but was in itself an earthly covenant that came to an end when the heavenly reality was established. Instead of seeing two realities (earthly/heavenly, internal/external) inside of the same covenant of grace, the 1689 Federalism affirms two distinct covenants: an earthly external covenant (the Old) and an heavenly internal covenant (the New). The New Covenant was first a promise that was put under the guard of the Law (the Old Covenant). It was then accomplished, sealed in the blood of Christ and given to believers in the form of a covenant.
In the lectures below, I expose chapter 7 of the 1689 (Of God’s Covenant). These lectures were given at the Reformed Baptist Seminary module on Creeds and Confessions held in Las Vegas October 2014. I offer here the MP3 files, the videos are available at RBS website:
You can find a French version of this teaching here:
1. The Covenant of Works (7.1) – Audio MP3
2. The Covenant of Grace – Paedo view (7.2) – Audio MP3
3. The Covenant of Grace – Credo view (7.3) – Audio MP3
4. Summary and conclusions – Audio MP3
5. Q&A (Dr. Bob Gonzales and Pascal Denault) – Audio MP3
Pascal Denault Interviewed on the Confessing Baptist
On 07, Jun 2013 | In Audio, Pascal Denault, Resources | By Brandon Adams
On episode two of our podcast, we interview Pascal Denault on his new book The Distinctiveness of Baptist Covenant Theology: A Comparison Between Seventeenth-Century Particular Baptist and Paedobaptist Federalism.
On episode three of our podcast, we finish up our two part interview with Pascal Denault on his new book The Distinctiveness of Baptist Covenant Theology: A Comparison Between Seventeenth-Century Particular Baptist and Paedobaptist Federalism.
The Distinctiveness of Baptist Covenant Theology (Revised Edition)
On 01, Mar 2013 | In Books, Featured, Pascal Denault, Resources | By Brandon Adams
Pascal Denault’s careful labors over the theological texts of both Baptist and Pedobaptists of the seventeenth century have yielded an excellent study of the relation of baptism to a commonly shared covenantalism. At the same time he has shown that a distinct baptistic interpretation of the substance of the New Covenant, that is, all its conditions having been met in the work of Christ its Mediator resulting in an unconditional application of it to its recipients, formed the most basic difference between the two groups. His careful work on the seventeenth-century documents has yielded a strong, Bible-centered, covenantal defense of believers’ baptism and is worthy of a dominant place in the contemporary discussions of both covenantalism and baptism.
-Thomas J. Nettles, Ph.D.