Jeffery Johnson
Founders Journal “Of Covenants and Mediators”
On 30, May 2017 | In Jeffery Johnson, Pascal Denault, Resources | By Brandon Adams
The Spring 2017 issue of the Founders Journal is titled “Of Covenants and Mediators.”
Download: PDF

2015 Founders Conference w/ Commentary
On 30, Sep 2015 | In Audio, Jeffery Johnson, Pascal Denault, Resources | By Brandon Adams
The Distinctives of Baptist Covenant Theology
SEPTEMBER 24-25, 2015
2015 Founders Conference on
This conference was a great encouragement to 2 years ago very few people were aware of this view and now people are gathering together at a conference to learn more about it. Lord willing, this trend will continue.
Due to some of the material presented in the lectures, some comments will be offered. Read more…

Podcast Interview: Jeffery Johnson’s “The Fatal Flaw”
On 27, Sep 2014 | In Audio, Jeffery Johnson, Resources | By Brandon Adams
On episode 19 of our podcast, we got Brandon Adams to interview Jeff Johnson about his book The Fatal Flaw of the Theology Behind Infant Baptism. This is part one of a two part interview (here is part 2.)
After that, we have Sam Renihan on our “Ask a Reformed Baptist” segment. We talk about some Reformed Baptist headlines and give you a preview of next week’s episode featuring part two of the interview.

On episode 20 of our podcast, we got Brandon Adams to interview Jeff Johnson about his book The Fatal Flaw of the Theology Behind Infant Baptism. This is part two of a two part interview (here is part 1.)
After that, we have Dr. James Renihan on our “Ask a Reformed Baptist” segment. We talk about some Reformed Baptist headlines (with our SPECIAL GUEST!) and give you a preview of next week’s episode featuring Richard Barcellos telling us about Reformed Baptist Academic Press.

Sermon: The Primacy of the Abrahamic Covenant
On 24, Jun 2013 | In Audio, Jeffery Johnson, Resources | By Brandon Adams
The Primacy of the Abrahamic Covenant
Pastor Jeff Johnson, author of The Fatal Flaw Behind The Theology of Infant Baptism, shows us how the Abrahamic Covenant unifies the Old Testament and the New Testament; the Old Covenant and the New Covenant, the demands of the law and the glory of grace.

What’s the Difference? Michael Horton v Jeffrey Johnson
On 07, Jun 2013 | In Jeffery Johnson, Resources | By Brandon Adams
The following is a “debate” between Michael Horton and Jeffrey Johnson on covenant theology: