James Renihan
Semper Reformanda 2023: Covenant and Kingdom
On 24, Oct 2023 | In Audio, James Renihan, Pascal Denault, Resources, Samuel Renihan, Video | By Brandon Adams
Grace Family Baptist Church in Houston, TX recently held their annual Semper Reformanda conference. This year was on Covenant and Kingdom: A Study in Reformed Baptist Covenant Theology featuring James Renihan, Sam Renihan, and Pascal Denault.
The recordings are now available online (both audio and video):

1) The Great DivideDr. James M. Renihan 100+ Conference

2) The Mystery of ChristDr. Samuel Renihan 100+ Conference

3) Distinctives Between Particular Baptist and Paedobaptist FederalismPascal Denault 100+ Conference

4) Baptist Covenant Theology vs. DispensationalismPascal Denault 100+ Conference

5) Kingdom of Creation: Covenant of Works and Noahic CovenantDr. Samuel Renihan Conference

7) Kingdom of Israel: Abrahamic, Mosaic, and Davidic CovenantsDr. Samuel Renihan Conference

8) Kingdom of Christ: Covenants of Redemption and Grace, and Eschatalogical Nature Dr. Samuel Renihan Conference

Baptists: Rooted in Covenant Grace
On 09, Mar 2015 | In Audio, James Renihan | By Brandon Adams
Below is Dr. James Renihan’s audio from Grace Baptist Chapel‘s annual Theology Conference “Baptists: Rooted in Covenant Grace”.
Session 1 “Genealogy Baptist Style” [MP3]
Session 2 “How Christians Have Put the Bible Together”[MP3]
Session 3 “How Christians Have Put the Bible Together (Part 2)”[MP3]
Session 4 “How Early Baptists Put the Bible Together”[MP3]
Lord’s Day Worship Service – “Haggai 2:10-19 The Nature of True Religion”[MP3]
James Renihan on the Mosaic Covenant (lecture)
On 16, Sep 2014 | In James Renihan, Resources, Video | By Brandon Adams
A sample lecture from the IRBS Continuing Education Program
BAPTIST DISTINCTIVES 2 CREDIT HOURS. This course is designed to teach the distinct qualities and doctrines of Baptists, including the covenant theology of Reformed Baptists, the hermeneutics of continuity and discontinuity, the nature of law and covenant, as well as making a positive case for believer’s baptism, and defending against the arguments of Paedobaptists.
Covenant Theology: The Mosaic Covenant Video Length: 1h 11m 16s