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In Resources

By Brandon Adams

Interactive Outline of Coxe on the Covenants

On 22, May 2017 | In Resources | By Brandon Adams

Similar to the interactive/collapsible outline of Owen’s commentary on Hebrews 8, we now have an interactive outline of Coxe’s “A Discourse of the Covenants that God made with men before the Law”

An Evernote version of the outline is available as well.


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In Resources

By Brandon Adams

Important Correction on Coxe

On 05, Apr 2016 | In Resources | By Brandon Adams

Samuel Renihan makes an important correction regarding the printed and Kindle versions of Covenant Theology: From Adam to Christ. At the beginning of chapter 4 in the RBAP publication, Coxe says

The covenant of grace made with Abraham was not the same for substance

But the original said

not but that the covenant of grace as made with Abraham was the same for substance

The implication is that

Coxe is saying that Genesis 12 contains the same covenant of grace for substance (there is only one) as found before and after this passage of Scripture, but it was made known to Abraham in a special way unlike any other example in the Bible.

This is helpful because many think Coxe argued that there were two Abrahamic Covenants, but that was not his meaning.

Please read Sam’s helpful post, as well as his analysis of the original and RBAP in a PDF.


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