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In Video

By Brandon Adams

Nuestro Federalismo

On 12, Dec 2016 | In Video | By Brandon Adams

From Federalismo 1689 espanol on Facebook:

#Estudiosbíblicos | our federalism (1689) #Youtube
Series of classes on the theology of the covenant Baptist, called federalism. An explanation for the development of the divine covenants through the entire bible. A total of 13 lessons.
Lesson 1: Introduction.
Lesson 2: what is a covenant?
Lesson 3: our hermeneutics.
Lesson 4: the covenant of redemption.
Lesson 5: the covenant of works (Part 1).
Lesson 6: the covenant of works (Part 2).
Lesson 7: the covenant of grace.
Lesson 8: the covenant adánico and noéico.
Lesson 9: the covenant Abraham (Part 1).
Lesson 10: the covenant Abraham (Part 2).
Lesson 11: the covenants and davídico mosaic.
Lesson 12: the new covenant.
Lesson 13: applications of our federal theology.
– explained by Pastor Eduardo Flores.

Link Youtube playlist:

#Federalismo1689 #class #videoclases #teologíadelpacto #pactosdivinos


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